Contact Number for Truck Dispatcher

Contact number for truck dispatcher Services

Contact number for truck dispatcher Services for Dry Van, Refeers, Flatbets, Step Decks and Power Onlys  we offers Services to all this truck all United States of America 

 Truck Dispatcher Logistics Transportations Management

Truck dispatcher is crucial for businesses that rely on timely delivery of goods to meet customer demands and maintain profitability. By leveraging technology and efficient processes, truck dispatch can help companies optimize their logistics operations and achieve greater success in the competitive marketplace. Mainly dispatchers focus on just freight or load management and sales, but we focus on retaining the carriers for a longer time period, that’s number one priority! Trust is what we gain in the whole proces Contact number for truck dispatcher

24/7 Dispatcher at your service USA

1- Broker/shipper credit checks
2- Rate negotiations
3- 24/7 roadside assistance
4- Paperwork management
5- Broker set-up/ rate confirmations
6- Invoicing

 We best loads in the indusatry in united of States 

 Loads Anywhere, Anytime!

We have an extensive network of reliable brokers and shippers who can provide you with the highest-paying loads. Moreover, our dispatchers are skilled at advanced rate negotiations besides having full knowledge of the freight dynamics, which allows them to secure the highest freight rates for you. When you partner with American Smart Trucking, you get the best loads every time.

ur sites that we recommend to also dispatch trucks are and Provides Best Truck Dispatch Services in US  Handles all back-office work, finds best freight loads possible and keeps you loaded regularly.

Truck Factoring your freight bills

TruckFactoring your freight bills is a great way to ensure you will have the cash flow needed to meet your business’s financial obligations on time. Factoring your freight bills can:

  • Provide steady, predictable cash flow

  • Enable you to pay your bills on time

  • Help improve driver retention

  • Help build your business credit

  • Reduce non-payment on invoices


Loader image

MC #’s can be acquired from the FMCSA

Since ‘Uncle Sam’s likes accurate records being kept, we make sure to dot all of our i’s and cross all of our t’s.

This is the minimum requirement. If you’d like to have more peace of mind with higher coverage, that’s fine by us.

This is a common practice for shippers, brokers and dispatchers alike.

In order to make sure all safety and compliance ordinances by the government are being met, we need to keep accurate records.

Industry Trends

Spot Market Loads +10% +46% +92%
Spot Market Capacity -1.5% +12% +1.7%
Van Load To Truck +11% +30% +98%
Van Rates(spot) +0.0% +0.6% +7.2
Flatbed Load To Truck +20% +38% +109%
Flat Rates(spot) +0.0% +3.6% +9.1%
Reefer Load To Truck +2.4% +31% +109%
Reefer Rates (Spot) +0.0% +0.5% +5.1%
Fuel Prices +0.6% -0.6% +22%

Todays Rates

Truck Dispatch the USA for Dry Vans, Reefer, Flat-Bed, and Step decks We have the best loads for Truck


Are you ready to take our service?

We Find the Best Load

We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to support and assist those who request our services.
